Cambridge to Stansted

If you are looking for a taxi company to transport you from Cambridge to Stansted you may have noticed that there are many taxi companies around. This can make finding the right taxi challenging – how do you know that you are getting a reliable one? In order not to make mistakes you have to know what you are looking for. Here are some tips:

• The most important thing is safety – the last thing you want is to get into a taxi only to be involved in an accident. You should not be afraid to openly ask a taxi company about their safety record. You can also look online to see whether they have been involved in any accidents in the recent past.

• The ‘journey from Cambridge to Stansted takes around 40 minutes at least and you don’t want to be stuck in a taxi with a driver who is rude and obnoxious. Good taxi companies ensure that they hire drivers who are polite. That is not enough – they should also be knowledgeable about their surroundings. They should know the best restaurants, tourist attractions, markets and other local amenities.

• You want a taxi company that maintains a clean fleet that is in good working condition – you don’t want to end up in a smelly taxi that may break down on the way.

• The best taxis have meters so that passengers can pay only for the distance they are travelling. Don’t forget to tip your driver when you arrive.

• If you will need a taxi to get back to Stansted find out whether the company can make arrangements to pick you up.

One taxi company that you can rely on to transport you between Cambridge and Stansted is Style Taxis. They have been in business for many years and they are known for their excellent fleet, smart and polite drivers and timeliness.